Session BrowserClick on the session you would like to browse. Sessions for Sunday, July 18th, 2021 |
Morning | W01 | W02 | W03 | W04 | W05 | W06 | W07 | W08 | W09 | W11 | W12 | Afternoon | M01 | W10 | W13 | W14 | W15 | W16 | W17 | M02 | M28 | Sessions for Monday, July 19th, 2021 |
Morning | EX01 | MX11 | MU1 | S02 | C01 | ECOPH1 | FG | FTI | PHYLOI | PL1 | PTR1 | SY1 | SY2 | MY1 | Afternoon | EX02 | L1 | L3 | L5 | BIHDI | BIOGI | C02 | PL2 | SYMB1 | TB | M03 | PTR2 | S03 | M04 | BR1 | S01 | M05 | MX01 | M06 | EX03 | MYP1 | P | P1 | Evening | MX02 | MX03 | R3 | M07 | Sessions for Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 |
Morning | EX04 | MX12 | MU2 | S04 | BIOGII | C03 | C04 | CGT1 | DS1 | ECO1 | ECOPH2 | M26 | PHYT1 | SY3 | SYSTI | PL3 | Afternoon | EX05 | L4 | L6 | M08 | CGT2 | ECO2 | ED1 | MACROI | MY2 | PHYT2 | PL4 | SS1 | SYMB2 | SYSTII | D1 | LT1 | CGT3 | ECO3 | ME1 | MY3 | PGG1 | PHYLOII | PL5 | S05 | SYSTIII | D2 | S06 | EX06 | MYP2 | P2 | Evening | M10 | M11 | MX04 | MX05 | Sessions for Wednesday, July 21st, 2021 |
Morning | EX07 | MX13 | MU3 | S07 | BIHDII | C05 | CB01 | COOLI | DS2 | ED2 | HH1 | M12 | PGG2 | PHYS | ETH | SY4 | Afternoon | EX08 | L7 | M09 | M13 | CB02 | COOLII | FTII | HH2 | MY4 | PGG3 | CW1 | ED3 | S08 | BIOGIII | C06 | CB03 | CW2 | D4 | MY5 | PGG4 | S09 | SYSTIV | M14 | M15 | R2 | AW1 | EX09 | M27 | MYP3 | P3 | Evening | M16 | M17 | MX06 | Sessions for Thursday, July 22nd, 2021 |
Morning | EX10 | MX14 | MU4 | S10 | C07 | DS3 | ECO4 | MY6 | PHYLOIII | PL6 | RP1 | SY5 | Afternoon | D3 | EX11 | L8 | O1 | C08 | C09 | ECO5 | M18 | MACROII | PL7 | RP2 | SYSTV | S12 | ECO6 | ECO7 | MX10 | PL8 | S13 | SS2 | SYMB3 | LT2 | M19 | MX07 | EX14 | M20 | P1 | RT | Evening | AW2 | M21 | MX08 | Sessions for Friday, July 23rd, 2021 |
Morning | EX12 | M22 | M23 | M24 | MX15 | S14 | C10 | C11 | ECO8 | MACROIII | MY7 | SY6 | SYSTVI | M25 | Afternoon | EX13 | L2 | L9 | FTIII | PHYLOIV | CB04 | LT3 | ECO9 | PHYLOV | S15 | AW3 | MX09 |
Presentations for Session TBClick on the Abstract you would like to read. Order | Date/Time | Title | Section/Topic | Type | Authors | Keywords |
TB001 | July 19th 12:30 pm | Native weeds of highland Mexico: pollinator dependence related to floral display and plant size Log in to add this item to your schedule | Tropical Biology | Oral Paper | Vibrans, Heike; Hernández-Villa, Valeria; Uscanga-Mortera, Ebandro; Aguirre-Jaimes, Armando. | pollination ecology agricultural weeds weed evolution Mexico maize pollinators | TB002 | July 19th 12:45 pm | Toggling between bird and insect pollination syndromes in the radiation of Neotropical Costus L Log in to add this item to your schedule | Tropical Biology | Oral Paper | Valderrama, Eugenio; Skinner, David; Maas, Paul; Maas, Hiltje; Andre, Thiago; Landis, Jacob; Sass, Chodon; Pinilla Vargas, Maria; Guan, Clarice; Grunder, Nikolaus; Almeida, Ana; Specht, Chelsea. | Pollination syndromes Costaceae Zingiberales radiation Costus L. Neotropical | TB003 | July 19th 1:00 pm | Investigating environmental niche characteristics of a few species complexes within the genus Hedychium (Zingiberaceae) Log in to add this item to your schedule | Tropical Biology | Oral Paper | Xavier, Aleena; Gowda, Vinita. | gingers Bioclimatic niche species complex niche evolution | TB004 | July 19th 1:15 pm | Evolution of lineages, niches, and traits in the dominant savanna grasses Heteropogon and Themeda (Panicoideae-Andropogoneae) Log in to add this item to your schedule | Tropical Biology | Oral Paper | Arthan, Watchara; Dunning, Luke; Besnard, Guillaume; Lehmann, Caroline E.R.; Kellogg, Elizabeth; Hackel, Jan; Mitchley, Jonathan; Vorontsova, Maria. | niche evolution phylogenomics C4 grasses Savanna functional traits Bioclimatic niche Trait evolution | TB005 | July 19th 1:30 pm | Understanding Vascular Plant Diversity in Complex Tropical Mountain Ranges: Initial Insights from Hispaniola Log in to add this item to your schedule | Tropical Biology | Oral Paper | Naranjo, Andre; Majure, Lucas. | Melastomataceae hispaniola montane tropical forest phylogenetic diversity endemism |