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Biodiversity Informatics & Herbarium Digitization

Heiden, Gustavo [1], Fernandes, Fernando [2], Vahl, Daiane Rodeghiero [2], Magalhães, Rafaela de Sousa Corrêa de [2].

Digitization of the Herbarium ECT at Embrapa Clima Temperado, a repository for Brazilian temperate and subtropical flora.

The ECT herbarium (Embrapa Clima Temperado, Pelotas, RS, Brazil) started from a collection of vouchers from crop wild relatives’ accessions in 1986. Since 2003, the collection broadened its focus and increased specimen numbers focusing on temperate and subtropical Brazilian ecosystems, mostly along the Pampas and Atlantic Rainforest. In 2016, the herbarium was registered in Index Herbariorum. Currently, ECT harbors 10,537 exsiccate, and the new specimens are continuously photographed and databased. To increase the accessibility of the herbarium collections, since it is in the rural area in a medium-sized municipality in a sparsely populated region of countryside Brazil, publishing online is not simply an alternative, but must be considered a priority and the only way for the collection to be widely accessible by third parties and to keep itself updated. Complimentary for putting a great effort into digitization, the policy of the herbarium is to immediately distribute duplicates to other nine major Brazilian herbaria easing specimen’s consultation for identification by collaborating specialists. In 2015 ECT joined REFLORA and INCT Herbário Virtual da Flora e dos Fungos projects and databasing started. We planned ways to optimize digitization, anticipating problems that could be found along the process while we did not have access to a digitizing station. We consider that this could be applied to any small herbaria willing to digitize their collections, while not having immediate funds to acquire or lend a digitizing station. We began revising the physical content of specimens, standardizing folders and cardboard sizes and colors, checking mounting style and remounting when appropriate, putting small folders in all specimens for detached parts, and subsequently doing a purge. Secondly, we followed barcoding and typing, all names were checked based on IPNI, and taxa names were updated to accepted names following Brazilian Flora Online 2020. During typing label data, we decided that 100% label data should be included, although being time-consuming, otherwise critical information could never be retrieved. During digitization, we took the opportunity to standardize collector names and update obsolete geography data, when strongly supported and keeping original information. Finally, we georeferenced secondarily specimens with no original coordinate, always taking care to inform that added coordinates were not original and pointing out the level of accuracy of the data added. The pre-digitization process proved to speed up the digitization process itself later. Currently, ECT data are accessible at JABOT (, Reflora (, SiBBr (, speciesLink (, and GBIF (

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Related Links:
ECT at Reflora
ECT at SiBBr
ECT at speciesLink

1 - Embrapa Clima Temperado, Herbarium ECT, Rodovia BR 392, km 78, Caixa Postal 403, Pelotas, RS, 96010-971, Brasil
2 - Embrapa Clima Temperado, Herbarium ECT, Pelotas::RS::, Rodovia BR 392, km 78 Caixa Postal 403 ,, Pelotas, RS, 96010-971, Brasil

Atlantics Rainforest
Rio Grande do Sul.

Presentation Type: Poster
Session: P1, Biodiversity Informatics & Herbarium Digitization Posters
Location: Virtual/Virtual
Date: Monday, July 19th, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM(EDT)
Number: P1BI008
Abstract ID:978
Candidate for Awards:None

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