| Abstract Detail
Mycology González, María C. [1], Hanlin, Richard T [2]. Implications of the brown spot disease detected in captive wild broodstock of Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei caused by a fun. At present, viral and bacterial diseases are the most common and documented because of their severe impact on the world production of shrimp. Fungal diseases in cultured and captured shrimps are less studied. Brown spot disease is caused by halophilic isolates of Fusarium solani whereas toxin-producing strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus are the causal bacteria of acute hepatopancreatic shrimp disease. In this study, wild white shrimp specimens from the Pacific Coast, State of Jalisco, Mexico, were clinically examined for lesions. Several shrimps showed tiny brown necrotic lesions in the damaged exoskeleton. Screening for causative pathogenic bacterium and fungus was performed. A sample of the carapace, hypodermal tissue, and hemolymph from spots was taken. In addition, a sample of coastal water from the shrimp collection area was tested for the presence of these pathogenic microorganisms. For isolation of bacteria and fungi, general mycological and bacteriological culture media were inoculated with shrimp and seawater samples. Afterward, differential formulation culture media were prepared for phenotypic characterization. Microscopic preparations of somatic and reproductive structures were examined in detail to confirm the characterization of species. Fusarium solani and Vibrio parahaemolyticus were detected from the necrotic tissues of shrimps and water sample. The Mexican strains of F. solani and V. parahaemolyticus are able to survive, grow and reproduce together in warm tropical seawater. The presence of the dual pathogenic microorganisms has interesting environmental and food quality implications. The raw or undercooked ingestion of shrimps infected with V. parahaemolyticus causes human gastroenteritis. Mycotoxins from some isolates of F. solani can affect shrimp and human health. There are several lineages of V. parahaemolyticus, interestingly, the strain isolated in this study showed strong bioluminescence in in vitro cultures. A more comprehensive study is necessary to confirm these observations. Log in to add this item to your schedule
1 - Departamento de Botánica, Instituto de Biología, UNAM 2 - University of Georgia, Georgia Museum of Natural History, Natural History Building, Athens, GA, 30602, USA
Keywords: Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp diseases shrimp farming vibriosis Mycology.
Presentation Type: Poster Session: MYP3, Mycology Posters III Location: / Date: Wednesday, July 21st, 2021 Time: 5:00 PM(EDT) Number: MYP3001 Abstract ID:871 Candidate for Awards:None |