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Abstract Detail

Education and Outreach

Silveira, Fernanda Schmidt [1], Conceição, Laura Baratto [2], Miotto, Silvia T. Sfoggia [3].

Mimosa in comics: developing skills for conservation of Southern Brazilian grasslands.

The project Mimosa in comics aims to divulgate knowledge about the plant diversity of Brazilian Southern grasslands for students through comic books based on scientific articles published mainly by our research group. In these comics, we showed the high richness of Mimosa species in the grasslands, especially in the Pampa Biome, elucidating aspects of their biology and conservations issues. Four comics have already been elaborated. The first comic addresses the discovery of Mimosa sobralii Grings & Ribas, a new, endemic and threatened species. In this story, themes such as risk of extinction and plant diversity were developed. The second comic deals with the rescue of Mimosa cerifera Schmidt Silveira & Miotto by aliens, who seek to save it from the invasion of large soybean crops, addressing the intense conversion of the Pampa grasslands and the loss of native species. In the third comic, Mimosa baptistae Schmidt Silveira & Miotto is presented to illustrate its particular morphology due to glandular trichomes that secrete sticky substances. Other topics covered by this story are the high degree of endemism in the rock grasslands of southern Brazil, the impact of mining and the loss of ecosystem services. The fourth comic explains the different concepts of species in an imaginary world similar to the universe of the Pokémon RPG game, illustrating the work of a taxonomist and the importance of taxonomy for the knowledge of plant diversity. Future goals of this project encompass the evaluation of comics as a didactic tool in the teaching of Botany for the understanding of the diversity and conservation of plants in Southern Brazilian grasslands.

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1 - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Botany, Porto Alegre, Brazil
2 - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Biociências, Porto Alegre, Brazil
3 - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Botany, Brazil

botany education
comic books

Presentation Type: Oral Paper
Session: ED2, Education & Outreach II - Engagement, Communication & Teaching Tools
Location: /
Date: Wednesday, July 21st, 2021
Time: 10:30 AM(EDT)
Number: ED2003
Abstract ID:850
Candidate for Awards:None

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