| Abstract Detail
Development and Structure Melo Sanches, Miller [1], Maria Strozi Alves Meira, Renata [2], Pace, Marcelo [3]. Wood anatomy of three arborescent genera of clade Galphimioid (Malpighiaceae). The Galphimioids are a Neotropical clade of Malpighiaceae nested within the Byrsonimoids. This clade is characterized by their non-vining habits, which is widespread otherwise in the family, by intrapetiolar stipules, colporate pollen and the presence of laticifers. The Galphimiods include the genera Galphimia, Lophanthera, Spachae and Verrucularia, being trees, shrubs or sub-shrubs. Recently the new genus Andersoniodoxa was segregated from Lophanthera, currently totaling five well-supported genera within the group. These genera are distributed across the Neotropics, from Mexico to Central and South America. They occur both in dry environments, such as in Galphimia, and in wet forests as typical of Lophanthera and Spachea, which are distributed in the Amazonia. Despite their strong phylogenetic support, no studies have yet explored the anatomical characters within the group and, more importantly, carefully searched for possible anatomical synapomorphies for this lineage. Wood descriptions of Galphimia gracilis, Lophanthera pendula, Spachea tricarpa e Spachea elegans followed traditional methods. The wood anatomy of these species is characterized by simple perforation plates, minute alternate intervessel pits (> 4 μm), fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits, vessel–ray pits similar to intervessel pits, and 3-seriate rays with body procumbent and upright to square marginal cells. The species of Spachea and Verrucularia share growth ring boundaries indistinct, diffuse-porous woods, vessels arranged in radial pattern, septate and nonseptate fibers co-occurring, fibers thin- to thick-walled, with a straight grain, axial parenchyma absent or rare. Galphimia, in turn, presents growth ring boundaries distinct delimitated by more abundant vessels, radially flattened fibers and a marginal parenchyma band, diffuse to semi-porous wood, vessels solitary or in multiples of 3, with some clusters common, septate and very thick-walled fibers, slightly wavy gran and scanty paratracheal parenchyma, except for the marginal bands delimiting the growth rings. Gums or other deposits are found in the ray cells of L. pendula and in the ray cells, axial parenchyma and vessel of S. elegans. Prismatic crystals in chambered axial parenchyma cells occur only in the genus Spachea. This is the first attempt to characterize this widespread Neotropical clade of trees and shrubs of the Malpighiaceae. Log in to add this item to your schedule
1 - Universidade Federal De Viçosa, Departamento De Biologia Vegetal, Centro De Ciências Biológicas 2, Campus Universitário., Viçosa, MG, 36570-900, Brazil 2 - Universidade Federal De Viçosa, Plant Biology, Av. P. H. Rolfs, S/n, Centro, Campus UFV, Viçosa/Minas Gerais, MG, 36570-000, Brazil 3 - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Botany Department, Circuito Zona Deportiva sn, Mexico City, DF, 06700, Mexico
Keywords: wood anatomy Malpighiaceae Galphimioids.
Presentation Type: Poster Session: P1, Development and Structure Posters Location: Virtual/Virtual Date: Monday, July 19th, 2021 Time: 5:00 PM(EDT) Number: P1DS011 Abstract ID:809 Candidate for Awards:Developmental and Structural Section best poster |