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Abstract Detail


Urbina Vasconez, Omayra Elizabeth [1], Peñuela, Maria Cristina [2].

Floral visitor’s diversity associated with Geonoma palms in Napo province, Ecuadorian Amazon.

The genus Geonoma is one of the most diverse among palms. In Ecuador alone, 32 species are reported, representing 30% of the richness of palms in the country and 47% of the genus. Geonoma palms are an important part of the understory structure of the neotropical piedmont forests, but at the same time, they are very vulnerable to disturbances and changes in land use. Most of the species have been reported in the Napo province. Despite the richness and importance of the species, there is little ecological knowledge about most of them. With the aim to contribute to filling this knowledge gap, we have collected the floral visitors of 10 species (51 inflorescences) between January and March 2020, and between October 2020 and February 2021. We have separated, counted, and photographed morphotypes of arthropods in the inflorescences.   We have also graphed the interaction network using a bipartite package in R, to check relations between palm and floral visitors.   We found 79 morphospecies of arthropods: 38 coleoptera, 18 diptera, 14 hymenoptera, 5 dermaptera, 2 aranae, 1 lepidoptera and 1 hemiptera. The species of palms most closely related phylogenetically shared more morphospecies of arthropods than those more separated. Only two morphospecies were shared by four palm species and only eight morphospecies were shared by three palm species or more. This is the first study that yields information about the floral visitors of G. hollinensis and G. longepedunculata and our information contributes to extend the list of records of floral visitors of G. deversa, G. macrostachys morf. atrovirens and G. stricta subsp. arundinacea.

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1 - Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Life science, Tena, Tena, Napo, 150150, Ecuador
2 - Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Tena, Tena, Napo, 150150, Ecuador

Interaction networks.

Presentation Type: Poster
Session: P1, Ecology Posters
Location: Virtual/Virtual
Date: Monday, July 19th, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM(EDT)
Number: P1EC010
Abstract ID:800
Candidate for Awards:None

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