| Abstract Detail
Mycology Liber, Julian Aaron [1], Bonito, Gregory [2], Benucci, Gian Maria Niccolo [2]. CONSTAX2: Improved taxonomic classification of environmental DNA markers. CONSTAX - the CONSensus TAXonomy classifier - was developed for accurate and reproducible taxonomic annotation of fungal rDNA amplicon sequences and is based upon a consensus approach of RDP, SINTAX, and UTAX algorithms. CONSTAX2 extends these features to classify prokaryotes as well as eukaryotes and incorporates BLAST-based classifiers to reduce classification errors. Additionally, CONSTAX2 implements a conda-installable, command line tool with improved classification metrics, faster training, multithreading support, capacity to incorporate external taxonomic databases, new isolate matching and high-level taxonomy tools, replete with documentation and example tutorials. Log in to add this item to your schedule
Related Links: Tool GitHub repo Documentation and tutorial
1 - Michigan State University, Plant Biology, 1066 Bogue St., Rm A286, East Lansing, MI, 48824, United States 2 - Michigan State University, Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences, 1066 Bogue St., Rm A286, East Lansing, MI, 48824, United States
Keywords: Mycology.
Presentation Type: Poster Session: MYP2, Mycology Posters II Location: Virtual/Virtual Date: Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 Time: 5:00 PM(EDT) Number: MYP2004 Abstract ID:356 Candidate for Awards:MSA Best Poster Presentation Award by a Graduate Student |