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Abstract Detail


Penner Rosenvasser, Shira [1].

One more step towards solving the taxonomic controversy of Trigonella and Medicago.

Trigonella and Medicago are two highly related phylogenetically genera within the Fabaceae. They have great agricultural and economical applications, as they are known mainly as a protein source for both humans and farm animals and as nitrogen fixators of agricultural soils. Although much research focused on the delimitation of these two genera, the exact borders between them are still not fully resolved. The current borders between Trigonella and Medicago rely mostly on morphological characteristics, specifically of fruits. Morphologically, we can cluster the species within these two genera into three different groups, following their fruit features: 1) Conventional Trigonella, 2) Conventional Medicago, and 3) Intermediate species. Although these three groups differ from one another, their morphological diversity creates more or less a continuum: from a cylindrical long and thin, to a flat short and wide, to a spiral fruit. This continuum emphasizes that even though fruits of the various species appear to be morphologically different, they still share many similarities and resemblance between them. My research is focusing on the phylogenetic relationships between species from the three different morphological groups described above, in order to better determine the boundaries between Trigonella and Medicago. My preliminary results show that phylogenetically Trigonella and Medicago should be addressed as one genus, since although Trigonella appear to form a monophyletic group, Medicago is paraphyletic with regard to Trigonella, because the latter is nested within the former. According to the International code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants (ICN), paraphyletic groups cannot be considered as independent taxonomic identities. Therefore, in the case of Trigonella and Medicago they should be united to one genus under the name Trigonella, which was the first to be described among these two genera. Considering the morphological and phylogenetic resemblance shared between species of Trigonella and Medicago, it leads to the conclusion that these two taxa should become one.

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1 - Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv University, Einstein 31, Tel Aviv, Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 6910135, Israel


Presentation Type: Oral Paper
Session: SYSTVI, Systematics VI: Monocots to Eurosids I
Location: Virtual/Virtual
Date: Friday, July 23rd, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM(EDT)
Number: SYSTVI005
Abstract ID:208
Candidate for Awards:None

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