| Abstract Detail
Mycology Velez, Patricia [1], Walker, Allison [2], Gasca-Pineda, Jaime [3], Barrios, Alejandra [1], Divanli, Deniz [2], González, María C. [1], Nakagiri, Akira [4]. Fine-scale temporal variation of marine fungal community structure in an impacted sandy beach in Baja California, Mexico. Sandy beaches cover around 75% of the world’s shorelines. This ecotone is characterized by three dynamic elements: sand, waves, and tides. So, beach topology is commonly the result of the joint effect of wave energy, tide range, and sediment characteristics. Globally, marine sandy beaches face increasing anthropogenic pressures and the long-term maintenance of their functional capacities depends strongly on robust autochthonous biotic community baseline data. However, fine-scale temporal patterns remain poorly understood in human-impacted sites, limiting our knowledge of beach response to stressors. A variety of unseen specialized biotic assemblages inhabit sandy beaches, including marine arenicolous fungi (living within sandy sediments). This ecological grouping of fungi fulfills key ecological roles mainly as saprobes, yet knowledge on their ecological plasticity and fine-scale patterns is lacking. To address this knowledge gap, we investigated marine fungal community composition changes over a fine temporal scale (biweekly, over a four-month period) at an impacted Pacific tourist sandy beach in Ensenada, Mexico, and explored associations between community composition and key environmental variables. We identified 17 taxa, within four ecological groups: strict marine arenicolous fungi, non-arenicolous marine fungi, terrestrial borne opportunistic pathogens, and facultative marine species. We detected minor fine temporal scale changes in community structure suggest arenicolous fungi persist on the beach as inoculum. Nevertheless, changes in the intertidal fungal community structure were observed in response to environmental variables, shown by the increase of terrestrial borne pathogenic species in the rainy season. Lastly, our data warn against extensive beach grooming, which may lead to the direct reduction of strict marine arenicolous fungal groups. Log in to add this item to your schedule
1 - Departamento de Botánica, Instituto de Biología, UNAM 2 - Department of Biology, Acadia University 3 - UBIPRO, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM 4 - Fungus/Mushroom Resource and Research Center, Tottori University
Keywords: Pacific coast Species coexistence Time-based dynamics Mycology.
Presentation Type: Poster Session: MYP2, Mycology Posters II Location: Virtual/Virtual Date: Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 Time: 5:00 PM(EDT) Number: MYP2003 Abstract ID:181 Candidate for Awards:None |