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Abstract Detail


Walther, Kelcie [1], Kennedy, Peter [2].

Role of Corylus americana (American hazel) as a Mycorrhizal Hub in Minnesota Forests.

The study of ectomycorrhizal symbioses has been an area of significant research progress in the last three decades. As the study of ectomycorrhizal symbioses has expanded, evidence has shown that ectomycorrhiza often link the roots of multiple species, effectively forming mycorrhizal networks which cover large expanses underground. While much research has been done on the networks formed between like canopies (i.e. large canopy trees with other large canopy trees), little data exists about mycorrhizal networks formed between overstory trees and understory plants. One such understory plant is the shrub Corylus americana (American hazel). Despite being widely distributed across midwestern and eastern United States and Canada, the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi associated with Corylus americana are relatively poorly understood. Characterizing the structure of the ECM communities associated with Corylus and establishing whether or not networks are being formed with the nearby large canopy pines (Pinus) and oaks (Quercus) will help scientists to better understand the composition the ECM communities in Minnesota forests, and the relationship between shrubs and canopy trees. In order to characterize the structure of the ECM fungal communities associated with Corylus, we will sample Corylus roots at two field sites in Minnesota, USA. The sites have varying features that will allow us to assess the extent to which Corylus ECM fungal communities are influenced by co-occurring host trees. Specifically, we will sample Corylus roots in isolated stands (i.e. growing far from other trees), Corylus growing under Pinus and Corylus growing under Quercus. Root tip samples will be taken from each site and analyzed using Illumina high throughput sequencing (HTS) of the ITS ribosomal RNA gene region. We expect that Corylus ECM fungal communities will differ among stands, with the highest number of shared ECM fungi in stands with the two angiosperm hosts, Corylus and Quercus. Because Corylus is often found as an early succession plant in post-disturbance landscapes, understanding the ECM associations of Corylus could help future understanding of how mycorrhizal associations play into post-disturbance dynamics in temperate upland forests.

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1 - Columbia University, Ecology, Environmental Biology and Evolutionary Biology, 1190 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY, 10027, United States
2 - University of Minnesota, Plant and Microbial Biology, 140 Gortner Laboratory, 1479 Gortner Avenue, St. Paul, MN, 55108, USA

Mycorrhizal networks
common mycorrhizal networks

Presentation Type: Poster
Session: MYP3, Mycology Posters III
Location: /
Date: Wednesday, July 21st, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM(EDT)
Number: MYP3009
Abstract ID:1138
Candidate for Awards:MSA Best Poster Presentation Award by an Undergraduate Student

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