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Abstract Detail

Reasons for Rarity? Exploring Acclimatory and Adaptive Constraints to Commonness

Bonsall, Michael [1].

Biotic and abiotic drivers of rarity: the population dynamics of Pityopsis ruthii - a rare aster in Tennessee. .

Pityopsis ruthii (Ruth's golden aster) is a rare, federally listed astersid. It is endemic to the Ocoee and Hiwassee Rivers in Polk County, TN, and is protected as an endangered species. Six populations of P. ruthiifrom the Hiwassee have been monitored over the last 35 years. Here, we have focussed on 18 years of observational plant density estimates to understand the density dependent (biotic) and density independent (abiotic) drivers of changes in P. ruthii population size(s). We constructed mathematical models to fit to the time series that incorporate biotic feedbacks associated with intraspecific and interspecific species interactions, and abiotic drivers associated with disturbance, recruitment and hydrology. We find weak evidence for important density dependent drivers of population change and highlight the importance of stochastic recruitment events underpinning the rarity of P. ruthii. We highlight the importance of contingencies, local ecology and habitat management as critical aspects of the drivers of rarity.

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1 - University of Oxford, Department of Zoology, South Parks Road, Oxford, UK

Mathematical modelling

Presentation Type: Colloquium Presentations
Session: C06, Reasons for Rarity? Exploring Acclimatory and Adaptive Constraints to Commonness
Location: /
Date: Wednesday, July 21st, 2021
Time: 4:15 PM(EDT)
Number: C06004
Abstract ID:1124
Candidate for Awards:None

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