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Abstract Detail

Floristics & Taxonomy

Wessel, Sienna [1], Wessel, Garth [1].

A preliminary checklist of the flowering plants of Curt Gowdy State Park in Laramie County, Wyoming.

Located in the rolling foothills of the Laramie Mountain range in Southeastern Wyoming 38km east of the town of Laramie, Curt Gowdy State Park is a 1,374-hectare recreation area (~2,300m elevation) which contains a 55km trail system, three reservoirs, and several vegetation types including mixed-grass prairie, ponderosa pine forest, and water birch/willow riparian communities. Originally called Granite State Park upon its establishment in 1971, Curt Gowdy is littered with sharp Precambrian Sherman batholith outcroppings that house a unique assemblage of species. To our knowledge, no floristic checklist exists for Curt Gowdy though the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database lists 7 species of concern, including Bahia dissecta (G5/S2S2), Carex oreocharis (G3/S1), and Phacelia alba (G4G5/S1), as potentially present in the park. A current species list is needed for park management, naturalists/interpreters, and state conservationists. We conducted surveys over 20 days between May and August of 2020 which resulted in 360 specimen collections and 760 documented photo points that we anticipate to have captured over 200 species. These records were combined with digitized vouchers from the Rocky Mountain Herbarium (RMS) and the Charles Maurer Herbarium Collection at Colorado State University (CS) to generate a taxonomically updated species checklist. Here, we present preliminary results from our surveys and checklist compilation regarding family distributions, common species, and rare plant occurrences. Our vouchered specimens will be housed at the RMS and photo records will be uploaded to an associated INaturalist project to ensure the availability of these baseline data for future studies of floristic diversity and change in the region.

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1 - Floradigm Botanical Consulting, Laramie, WY, 82070

Plant diversity

Presentation Type: Poster
Session: P2, Floristics & Taxonomy Posters
Location: Virtual/Virtual
Date: Tuesday, July 20th, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM(EDT)
Number: P2FT016
Abstract ID:1066
Candidate for Awards:None

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