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Keyword Browse

For Comparative Genomics/Transcriptomics

Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

abiotic and biotic stress (3 Abstracts)
abiotic stress (1 Abstract)
allopolyploid (1 Abstract)
alternation of generations (1 Abstract)
alternative splicing (2 Abstracts)
Angiosperms (1 Abstract)
Annotation (1 Abstract)
anther (1 Abstract)
asparagus (1 Abstract)
Asteraceae (1 Abstract)
Bayesian inference (1 Abstract)
bilberry (1 Abstract)
Brachypodium (1 Abstract)
Brassica (1 Abstract)
Brassicaceae (2 Abstracts)
C4 (1 Abstract)
calcium (1 Abstract)
Calochortus (1 Abstract)
CAM (2 Abstracts)
CesA (1 Abstract)
chloroplast genome (1 Abstract)
chromosome (1 Abstract)
chromosome number (1 Abstract)
co-expression network (1 Abstract)
codon bias (1 Abstract)
Comparative genomics (4 Abstracts)
concerted evolution (1 Abstract)
conifer (1 Abstract)
conservation (1 Abstract)
Convolvulaceae (1 Abstract)
Corallorhiza (1 Abstract)
Costus L. (1 Abstract)
Cuscuta (1 Abstract)
cytogenetics (1 Abstract)
development (1 Abstract)
differential gene expression (2 Abstracts)
Dioecy (2 Abstracts)
Dodders (1 Abstract)
duplicated genes (1 Abstract)
eccDNA (1 Abstract)
epigenetics (1 Abstract)
eudicot (1 Abstract)
evolutionary simulation (1 Abstract)
evolutionary strata (1 Abstract)
Flavonoids (1 Abstract)
floral evolution (1 Abstract)
Flye (1 Abstract)
forest (1 Abstract)
gametophyte (1 Abstract)
Gene duplication (1 Abstract)
gene expression (1 Abstract)
gene loss (1 Abstract)
Genetics (2 Abstracts)
Genome (1 Abstract)
Genome Assembly (7 Abstracts)
Genome Duplication (2 Abstracts)
genome evolution (4 Abstracts)
genome structure (1 Abstract)
genome   (1 Abstract)
genomics (6 Abstracts)
graph alignment (1 Abstract)
Grasses (1 Abstract)
Gymnosperm (1 Abstract)
Heterotrophy (1 Abstract)
High-Throughput Phenotyping (1 Abstract)
Homoeologous exchange (1 Abstract)
horizontal gene transfer (1 Abstract)
Hydroponics (1 Abstract)
intron loss (1 Abstract)
invasive species (2 Abstracts)
Japanese stiltgrass (1 Abstract)
Karrikin Insensive 2 (KAI2) (1 Abstract)
karyotype (1 Abstract)
Lamiales (1 Abstract)
Liliaceae (1 Abstract)
Machine learning (1 Abstract)
maize (1 Abstract)
maple (1 Abstract)
Marsilea vestita (1 Abstract)
methods (1 Abstract)
mitochondrial genome (1 Abstract)
modeling lifecycles (1 Abstract)
molecular evolution (1 Abstract)
moss (1 Abstract)
mycoheterotrophy (1 Abstract)
nanopore (1 Abstract)
Native Species (1 Abstract)
nonsynonymous substitutions (1 Abstract)
Nymphaeales (1 Abstract)
Orobanchaceae (1 Abstract)
PacBio (1 Abstract)
Paleologs (1 Abstract)
parasitic plants (1 Abstract)
Pedicularis (1 Abstract)
Photosynthesis (1 Abstract)
photosynthsis (1 Abstract)
phylogenetics (1 Abstract)
phylogenomics (2 Abstracts)
Plant stress regulation   (1 Abstract)
Plastid (1 Abstract)
plastid genome (1 Abstract)
Plastome (1 Abstract)
pollinator shifts (1 Abstract)
polyploidization (1 Abstract)
polyploidy (6 Abstracts)
Portulaca (1 Abstract)
quality control (1 Abstract)
Ranunculaceae (1 Abstract)
Ranunculales (1 Abstract)
rapid adaptation (1 Abstract)
redwood (1 Abstract)
repetitive DNA (1 Abstract)
ribosomal DNA (1 Abstract)
RNAseq (1 Abstract)
sciart (1 Abstract)
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (1 Abstract)
seed development (1 Abstract)
Seed Germination (1 Abstract)
sequence annotation (1 Abstract)
sequence coverage (1 Abstract)
serpentine (1 Abstract)
sex-determination (1 Abstract)
sex chromosomes (3 Abstracts)
single-cell RNA-seq (1 Abstract)
Smoke (1 Abstract)
software tool (1 Abstract)
soil (1 Abstract)
Soybean-SA-SCN intercation   (1 Abstract)
strawberry (1 Abstract)
sub-walks binomial model (1 Abstract)
Subgenome (1 Abstract)
subgenome dominance (1 Abstract)
Tools (1 Abstract)
Tragopogon (1 Abstract)
Transcriptome (2 Abstracts)
Transcriptomes (1 Abstract)
transcriptomics (6 Abstracts)
transposable elements (4 Abstracts)
tree (1 Abstract)
Tsuga sp.   (1 Abstract)
Vaccinium  L. (1 Abstract)
Whirly transcription factors (1 Abstract)
Whole genome duplication (3 Abstracts)
WHY1 (1 Abstract)
WRKY genes   (1 Abstract)
Yucca (1 Abstract)

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