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Keyword Browse

For Education and Outreach

Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

blog (1 Abstract)
botany education (6 Abstracts)
botany outreach (2 Abstracts)
broader impacts (1 Abstract)
campuscollaboration (1 Abstract)
Cellphone STem learning disasters (1 Abstract)
Citizen science (2 Abstracts)
CLAMP (1 Abstract)
climate change (1 Abstract)
comic books (1 Abstract)
Consortium of California Herbaria 2 (1 Abstract)
course-based undergraduate research (1 Abstract)
course-based undergraduate research experience (2 Abstracts)
Covid-19 cellphone use of tech platforms (2 Abstracts)
COVID_19 STEM education (3 Abstracts)
Distance learning by cellphone (2 Abstracts)
Ecology (1 Abstract)
Education (7 Abstracts)
Fabaceae (1 Abstract)
gender (1 Abstract)
GIS (1 Abstract)
iNaturalist (1 Abstract)
Inside Wood Database (1 Abstract)
Interns (1 Abstract)
Killer yeasts (1 Abstract)
Lab exercise (1 Abstract)
LEAP innovates distance learning on cellphones (1 Abstract)
LEAP Schools COVID-19 (1 Abstract)
LEAP STEM learning South Africa (2 Abstracts)
MAT   (1 Abstract)
Mimosa (1 Abstract)
Mycorrhizae (1 Abstract)
Native Plants (1 Abstract)
online learning (1 Abstract)
Open Education Resources (1 Abstract)
outreach (1 Abstract)
phenology (1 Abstract)
phytoremediation (1 Abstract)
plant awareness disparity (2 Abstracts)
plant blindness (3 Abstracts)
plant identification (1 Abstract)
plant systematics (1 Abstract)
Populus (1 Abstract)
reproductive biology (1 Abstract)
SciComm (1 Abstract)
Science IRL (1 Abstract)
science writing (2 Abstracts)
Scientific communication (2 Abstracts)
Scientific Method (1 Abstract)
sexual system (1 Abstract)
Shiny App (1 Abstract)
shrub-steppe (1 Abstract)
Solanum (1 Abstract)
STEM distance learning Cellphones (1 Abstract)
Taxonomy (1 Abstract)
teaching (3 Abstracts)
tech platforms enhance cellphone distance (1 Abstract)
textbook analysis (1 Abstract)
tree (1 Abstract)
ungrading (1 Abstract)
UrbanForestry (1 Abstract)
Virtual reality (1 Abstract)
wood (1 Abstract)
YouTube (1 Abstract)

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