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Biodiversity Informatics & Herbarium Digitization

Barkworth, Mary [1], Cobb, Neil [2], Dyreson, Curtis [3], Dunn, Evin [4], Pearse, Will [5].

Symbiota 2: it is on its way.

Many botanists, particularly in the US, are familiar with, and appreciative of, the resources and tools Symbiota has made available for research, teaching, and outreach. Symbiota2 builds on Symbiota, but will be easier to modify, regionalize, and integrate into different workflows. We had planned to have the new version available by June 30 of this year. That will not be the case, but the project will be completed by June 30, 2022. The primary reason for the delay was the decision to switch to Typescript for the basic structure. This change offers many advantages, but it required redoing much of what had been done before. Developers can follow the project’s progress on GitHub. Typescript also makes it easier for Symbiota2 databases to interact with data from other systems. For interacting with data within the biological specimen database community, data will continue to be exported in accordance with the Darwin Core standard. For interacting with data from other knowledge communities, data from a Symbiota2 network will be made available via a knowledge graph. For this, Symbiota2 will map its data following a W3C standard, R2RML, and using a resource description framework (RDF). This will open data in the Symbiota 2 network to multiple knowledge communities, therefore enhancing the value of our collections. A demonstration site will be opened in July that will enable anyone interested to explore (and provide feedback on) different features as they are developed. Among the earliest features made available will be the ability to select which fields to show by default on the data entry page and which to hide. For example, botanical networks could hide fields relating to sampling methods whereas insect networks can show them. Symbiota 2 will also make it easier to find taxon pages and will provide access to the spatial tools included in SCAN but not currently in most botanical networks. Features that will be added later include evaluating the species and phylogenetic richness within an area, the similarity of areas with respect to these two measures of genetic diversity, and modifying field names on the data entry page to reflect the terms used for administrative regions in different countries. Possibly the most important feature for those working in areas with poor internet access will be development of tools for working with a local copy of the network database which can be synchronized with the network database when internet access is optimal.

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Related Links:
OpenHerbarium: A herbarium network for underserved countries in the Old World
Previous presentations on Symbiota 2
OpenZooMuseum: a zoological network for underserved countries in the Old World

1 - Utah State University, Department Of Biology, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT, 84322, United States
2 - Northern Arizona University, Department of Biological Sciences, 617 S Beaver St, Flagstaff, AZ , 86011, USA
3 - Utah State University, Computer Science, 4205 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT, 84322-4205, USA
4 - Northern Arizona University, Computer Science Department, Flagstaff, AZ, 86011, USA
5 - Imperial College, Department of Life Sciences , Southwood, 2-04, Buckhurst Rd, Silwood Park, England, SL5 7PY, UK

Symbiota 2
data collection
Knowledge graph
Herbarium networks.

Presentation Type: Oral Paper
Session: BIHDII, Biodiversity Informatics & Herbarium Digitization II
Location: Virtual/Virtual
Date: Wednesday, July 21st, 2021
Time: 10:45 AM(EDT)
Number: BIHDII004
Abstract ID:890
Candidate for Awards:None

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