| Abstract Detail
Phytochemical Reddy, Kaylan [1], Stafford, Gary Ivan [2], Makunga, Nokwanda [3]. Using metabolomics as a tool to explore chemical diversity within the Sceletium genus. The Sceletium genus has been of medicinal importance in southern Africa for millennia as used by the indigenous KhoiSan people. Recently, a species (Sceletium tortuosum) from the genus has gained pharmaceutical importance as an anxiolytic and anti-depressant, and some of the phytochemicals have been studied. Plant samples were collected from the wild (Karoo, South Africa) and analysed through LC-MS, using MSE fragmentation as a putative tool for chemical identities. The main distinguishing features were the presence of biomarkers such as mesembrine (m/z 290.176; RT 5.296 min), mesembrenol (m/z 290.176; RT 4.540 min) and mesembrenone (m/z 4.810; RT 4.81 min). These phytochemicals varied according to the different localities. These compounds occurred at variable levels in Sceletium ecotypes. We have also tentatively identified two unknown alkaloids that occur in several populations with m/z and retention times of m/z 276.159; RT 4.12 min and m/z 274.144; 4.17 min, respectively. Log in to add this item to your schedule
1 - Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Science Stellenbosch University Private Bag X1 Matieland 7602, South Africa, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, 7602, South Africa 2 - University of Pretoria, Plant and Soil Sciences, Room 3-15, Level 3, Plant Sciences Complex University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20 , Hatfield 0028, South Africa, Pretoria East, Gauteng, 0028, South Africa 3 - Stellenbosch University, Department Of Botany And Zoology, Private Bag X1, Matieland, Stellenbosch, WC, 7600, South Africa
Keywords: metabolomics DNA Barcoding Sceletium Phytomedicine phytochemistry Population Genetics.
Presentation Type: Oral Paper Session: PHYT2, Phyochemistry II Location: / Date: Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 Time: 12:30 PM(EDT) Number: PHYT2001 Abstract ID:770 Candidate for Awards:None |