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Abstract Detail

Conservation Biology

Eserman, Lauren [1], Carmichael, Amanda [1], Coffey, Emily [2].

The utility of the Orchidaceae963 bait set for plant conservation: A case study using Cypripedium acaule.

Cypripedium acaule is a slipper orchid native to the eastern United States and Canada. It is considered globally secure but threatened at the edges of its range. Populations in Georgia and Alabama are the southernmost extent of this species' range. A recently proposed highway construction project would eliminate one of the few remaining populations in the greater Atlanta metropolitan area. One proposed solution is to relocate plants to two other sites with existing Cypripedium acaule populations. However, the mass introduction of new genetic material could have detrimental effects on the existing populations. Therefore, we have set out to establish the extent of population structure and genetic diversity among and between the three Cypripedium acaule populations. This species has one of the largest recorded genomes in the Orchidaceae (1C=44Gbp), making genetic approaches such as microsatellites, RADseq, and genome skimming infeasible. We are testing the utility of the Orchidaceae963 bait set to gather genetic data for 64 individuals across three populations of this species. Future analyses will hopefully shed light on the potential genetic effects of population mixing.

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1 - Atlanta Botanical Garden, Conservation & Research, 1345 Piedmont Ave NE, Atlanta, GA, 30309, United States
2 - Atlanta Botanical Garden, 1345 Piedmont Ave, 1345 Piedmont Ave, Atlanta, GA, 30309, United States

Slipper orchid
Target enrichment

Presentation Type: Oral Paper
Session: CB04, Conservation Biology 4
Location: /
Date: Friday, July 23rd, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM(EDT)
Number: CB04002
Abstract ID:729
Candidate for Awards:None

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