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Abstract Detail

Conservation Biology

Hale, Clayton [1].

Bolstering Habitat Suitability Modeling for Imperiled Species with Few Occurrences Utilizing Herbaria and Community Science Records.

Developing habitat suitability maps for imperiled species has become a crucial first step for effective plant conservation. Habitat suitability models allow for limited conservation dollars and manpower to be more efficiently utilized. However, for many imperiled plant species, there are few occurrences available for use in the modeling process. Yet, these are the species most in need of conservation action and the benefits of habitat suitability modeling. These models can identify potential areas to concentrate surveys to locate new populations, prioritize existing populations for protection, or determine locations for possible introductions or reintroductions. Presented are three habitat suitability models for species at various levels of conservation need, yet all have few known occurrences. Mountain stewartia (Stewartia ovata) is considered imperiled or vulnerable across much of its range. Utilizing both herbarium records and community science we developed a habitat suitability model to inform conservation decision-making. Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) is only known from one population within Minnesota. There have been recent initiatives to reestablish Eastern hemlock within its native range in Minnesota, however, only one population makes modeling difficult. We utilized herbarium records from other states in the Great Lakes region to develop a habitat suitability model that was then deployed to Minnesota. Lastly, we developed a habitat suitability model for the newly described and imperiled Miller’s witchalder (Fothergilla milleri). Only four extant populations of F. milleri are known, further, the species is not found in herbaria or community science records. F. milleri is presented as an example of how to successfully model species with low occurrences when herbaria and community science records cannot be used and to highlight their limitations. These three examples can inform the use of herbaria and community science within habitat suitability models to develop more robust and useful models for conservation use.

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1 - Mississippi State University, Forestry

habitat suitability model
endangered species
species distribution models
Mountain stewartia
Eastern hemlock
Fothergilla milleri.

Presentation Type: Poster
Session: P1, Conservation Biology Posters
Location: Virtual/Virtual
Date: Monday, July 19th, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM(EDT)
Number: P1CB003
Abstract ID:315
Candidate for Awards:None


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